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Linda Travers
emergency vet in Fort Lauderdale
Tips from our Fort Lauderdale Emergency Vet As pet owners, we cherish the companionship and love our furry friends bring to our lives. We strive to provide them with the best care possible, ensuring their health and well-being. However, there are times when our pets may experience a sudden illness or injury that requires immediate...
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Dog Seizures
Help from a Fort Lauderdale Vet As a pet owner, one of the most concerning things to witness is when your furry friend suffers from a seizure. Seizures are a common neurological disorder in dogs and can be caused by a variety of factors such as epilepsy, brain tumors, or other underlying medical conditions. It...
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Fort Lauderdale canine cardiologist
Help from a Fort Lauderdale Canine Cardiologist For most Fort Lauderdale dog and cat owners, learning that their pets have heart disease can be frightening. While you might not be aware that heart disease can affect pets, up to one-quarter of all dogs will develop a form of heart disease between ages nine and 12....
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Fort Lauderdale Veterinary Cardiologist
Tips from a Fort Lauderdale Veterinary Cardiologist Just like humans, some pets develop cardiovascular issues and require more specialized care than what a regular veterinarian can provide. Conditions of the cardiovascular system might be identified during your pet’s routine veterinary visit or when you bring it to Fort Lauderdale animal hospital Family Pet Medical Center...
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filtered water for pets
Florida pet owners typically want to do everything they can to keep their pets healthy and happy. They might try to ensure their pets eat healthy diets and get plenty of exercise. While it might seem to be fairly simple to take good care of a pet, being a responsible pet owner can often lead...
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Pet Dental Extractions
For pets, teeth are essential for eating, grooming, and playing. When a cat or dog doesn’t receive adequate dental care, it can suffer pain caused by dental problems and tooth decay. Fort Lauderdale animal hospital Family Pet Medical Center performs pet dental extractions for pets throughout the area. If your pet is experiencing dental pain...
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My Cat Wont Pee
My Cat Wont Pee – What to Do? If you’ve noticed signs that your pet is having trouble urinating, you might not know what to do. It can be hard for pet owners when their cats are in pain. Obstructions and blockages can cause waste to build up in your cat’s system, which can be...
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Fort Lauderdale Pet Echocardiogram
Do I Need a Fort Lauderdale Pet Echocardiogram? If your veterinarian suspects that your pet might have heart disease or has diagnosed it with a heart murmur, they might have recommended an echocardiogram at Fort Lauderdale animal hospital Family Pet Medical Center. This type of test can help diagnose what might be happening with your...
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My Dog Is Constipated
My Dog Is Constipated – Is it a Problem? If you’ve noticed that your dog has not been peeing or pooping, you might be rightly concerned. The inability to urinate or being constipated might indicate your dog is experiencing serious issues. Here’s some information you should know about these issues and what to do from...
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Fort Lauderdale dog blood work
The Benefits of Fort Lauderdale Dog Blood Work As a dog owner, you might wonder when you should get blood work done for your pet and whether doing so is necessary. Most veterinarians, including Dr. Cotto and Dr. Cutrone at Family Pet Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, recommend dogs should get blood work done at...
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